- Know what you are eating, when checking out the menu take a minute to look at the nutritional information of the menu items. If you want, you can add up the nutritional value of your entire meal.
- Balance your plate by choosing fruit, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy at most meals.
- Build a colorful plate by making half your meal fruits and vegetables.
- Rethink your drink. Consider how often and how much sweetened beverages you drink.
- Don’t get into a rut by eating the same thing every day. Mix it up by creating your own combination of foods from different venues.
- Use moderation when choosing sweets and fried foods and balance out your day with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid overloading your plate, this reduces food waste and keeps you from overeating. You can always go back for more.
- Enjoy your food, take time to relax and pay attention to the flavor and texture of your food.

Healthy Eating
Fresh fruit is always available. You can carry out a piece of fruit as you leave the dining center and enjoy a healthy snack later in the day. Add fruit to yogurt.
Visit the salad bar or select one of the steamed vegetables from our home-style venues. Add vegetables to your sandwich at the deli or the grill. Visit the Mongolian grill at Linkins to make a delicious stir fry loaded with fresh vegetables.
Make half your grains whole by choosing whole grain bread and buns, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and quinoa. Look for oatmeal or whole grain cereals at breakfast.
Look for lean sources of protein. The chicken breasts at the grill are one of our most popular items. Lean meats are available at the deli and throughout the dining center.
Skim milk offers all of the calcium, protein and vitamin D found in 2% without the fat. Greek yogurt is always available. Low fat cottage cheese can be found at the salad bar.