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Meal Plan Cancellation Policy

Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality will verify your request for cancellation complies with the University’s On-Campus Housing Policy and the University Housing and Meal Plan Contract Terms and Conditions.

If you are deemed ineligible for cancellation, you will be notified and your contract along with any associated costs will remain active.

If you are eligible to cancel your meal plan contract, your cancellation will be processed and charges assessed based on the following information.

Please visit the Housing and Dining Portal to submit a cancellation request.

Meal Plan Contract Cancellation Details

Meal plan participants will be held responsible for cancellation charges as outlined below:

The cancellation date is the later of the following two dates

  1. the last date that the meal plan (meals or flex dollars) was used;
  2. the last date that the meal plan participant is eligible to cancel except for summer traditional meal plans. For those plans, the cancellation date is the later of the following two dates:
    1. the last day of the week that the meal plan (meals or flex dollars) was used;
    2. the last day of the week that the meal plan participant is eligible to cancel.
Cancellation Date Type of Plan Formula
Prior to start of meal period/ No meal usage Unlimited, Traditional and Block No charge
After start of meal period Unlimited, Traditional (total cost of meal plan less flex dollars)/number of days in the meal period*number of days completed+flex dollars used
Block (total cost of meal plan less flex dollars)/total meals in plan*number of meals used+flex dollars used

For a complete description of the cancellation policy, see Section III.D of the Meal Plan Contract Terms and Conditions.

You will receive confirmation of your cancellation via email from Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality. Any credit of prior payments or billing of outstanding charges will be forthcoming from Student Accounts. Please direct questions regarding the status of your account to the Student Accounts Office at (309) 438-5643.

Please note this form is for cancelling Meal Plan Contracts only. Dependent upon your circumstances, it may be necessary to notify other departments within Illinois State University. For directions regarding potential next steps, please review the Withdrawal Checklist from the University Registrar.